My deviled eggs recipe is fairly standard, except I like to add a little cream cheese. Unlike mayonnaise, cream cheese firms up when chilled, and provides...
Everything seasoning is trending all over the United States. Although it may have made its debut on bagels, it's such a flavorful, multi-purpose blend...
I found this awesome spice called smoked paprika. I had a request by my sister-in-law to make some deviled eggs. I had a can of salmon in the pantry and...
If you love the taste of fresh New England seafood, these deviled eggs, loaded with lump crabmeat, are just the thing to bring to your next picnic, potluck,...
It's not a party without deviled eggs! This classic deviled eggs recipe is great for all kinds of gatherings, whether an Easter brunch, a summer picnic,...
I was bored with traditional deviled eggs and had been trying to find more ways to cook with avocados. I made these for a Kentucky Derby party and all...
The air fryer does a fantastic job of hard cooking eggs with next to no cleanup. Give those traditional deviled eggs a new twist by incorporating some...
Spanish tapas are tasty small plates that when combined can create a light supper, or serve as a great appetizer. Huevos Endiablados are deviled eggs filled...
I always make deviled eggs to use up dyed hardboiled eggs from Easter, but many family and friends hate the mayo taste and texture. I tried an avocado...
A quick and easy appetizer that will disappear quickly. I have increased this recipe to twenty eggs before and use the food processor to mash yolks and...
To me, a good deviled egg is one with a well-seasoned, firm filling-and lots of thick-cut bacon. There's so much bacon goodness here that you won't be...
I've always marveled at how deviled egg recipes can be fiddled with and ingredients switched in and out, but they always still taste so good! I made this...
An easy recipe for a flavorful addition to your appetizer assortment! This appetizer tastes best when served fresh and cold. Keep in a cool place until...
Bubble, bubble. Toil and trouble. This appetizer is commonly known and used but, I have put my own little twist on this recipe. It is deviled eggs made...
Spanish tapas are tasty small plates that when combined can create a light supper, or serve as a great appetizer. Huevos Endiablados are deviled eggs filled...
Spanish tapas are tasty small plates that when combined can create a light supper, or serve as a great appetizer. Huevos Endiablados are deviled eggs filled...
Spanish tapas are tasty small plates that when combined can create a light supper, or serve as a great appetizer. Huevos Endiablados are deviled eggs filled...
I use the fresh herbs from my garden for this recipe, so all measurements are in leaves or pieces. I've approximated measures, where possible. Feel free...
I use the fresh herbs from my garden for this recipe, so all measurements are in leaves or pieces. I've approximated measures, where possible. Feel free...
A cool, creamy ranch and cream cheese mixture with onion and pickle is the filling for these delicious deviled eggs. Omit the onion and pickle, if desired...
I've always marveled at how deviled egg recipes can be fiddled with and ingredients switched in and out, but they always still taste so good! I made this...
Any Robey Family special occasion is marked by the MUST have blue devils, including all weddings, Easter, Xmas & Summer feasts. Were from Va. so it's a...